Sunday, 18 September 2016
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Olivia 25/7/16 Leap
One cold and wet tuesday my sisters, my dad and I decided we would spend the afternoon at Leap with my dad's new friends kids, Katie and Ben. When we got there, we all hopped out of the car in excitement.
We all scrambled into the building, all we could see was trampolines we could hear sounds of people jumping and the smell of the fresh air coming from the fans.
Jump! Jump! Jump! I thought to myself.
We'd been there for about half an hour when Charlotte decided to try do a backflip she landed on her head and missed out on the last half an hour of leap.
After all the drama, Katie, Ben, Emily and I played tag. It had been a while. Emily and Katie got bored so they ran off to play basketball. They were throwing a ball and trying to get it in the hoop. Ben and I ran off to go jump in the foam pit. I was practicing my forward handspring into it. Ben was just doing back flips.
Time ran by. Charlotte came right after a while. Excitedly Ben did a backflip into the foam pit and taught Charlotte.
I bolted to jump of the highest lege into the foam pit because there was no que.
After an extremely long time, everyone was weak and no longer able to jump. We drove home happily in our little silver car.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Sunday, 29 May 2016
How Matariki Began
Long, long ago, there lived seven
mermen and seven mermaids.
The seven mermen loved to fish,
but only one liked to garden. His name was Matariki. He was used as a slave for
the other six.
He was even used as a shield when
the dangerous fish were out.
One day, the seven mermaids were
out in their little clam house. The seven mermen were wondering what the loving
singing was. They set off in the deep blue sea to see what it was.
It was seven mermaids brushing
their golden brown hair. They all fell in love, but Matariki . He was
warning them it was a dangerous fish's babies but they were too busy
running back home and making them a house to live in.
The six brothers weren't able to
fish because they were too busy staring at their wives.
One day, they decided to stop and
go fishing. Jessica, the one who did not get picked to live with one of
the men, grabbed Matariki and threw him up into the sky and he smashed into
seven pieces and became seven stars. You will see it in late May and early
June. It is Matariki.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Mischa's and Olivia's holiday
Olivia and Mischa were best friends forever. They lived by the alleyway and always tramped through it. There were many different paths. Their favourite one was on the right. Sometimes, they tried new ones. There was one that they called Forest of Doom because they had had to dig out last when they had tramped. They had stayed in it for two weeks. They had seen people go in it but they had never come out. Luckily, they had taken sleeping gear. Mischa was five days younger than Olivia. They had been friends since primary school. They had lived together since back then and had kept on moving down the same streets.
One Day Mischa committed to going down Forest of Doom.
Olivia Said " Ok " we have to bring every thing.forest thinking that they could not do it.
They shot off like bullet running to the start of the
Olivia yelled look up there.
What is it Mischa replied.
I think it's a parot Olivia gasped.
A Parott yelled Mischa. We should follow it said Mischa.
Olivia Yelled Wait your going off the path.
Oliva ran after her wait wait she yelled.
No Mischa yelled these birds are rare.
Hay Mischa said.
All there was trees with no leaves on them.
Mischa's face grew reder reder.
Suddenly she yelled THIS IS ALL YOUR FOLT!
They fighted for an hour.
Mischa said we should set up the tent now in an angre voice.
Ok sighed Olivia.
One Day Mischa committed to going down Forest of Doom.
Olivia Said " Ok " we have to bring every thing.forest thinking that they could not do it.
They shot off like bullet running to the start of the
Olivia yelled look up there.
What is it Mischa replied.
I think it's a parot Olivia gasped.
A Parott yelled Mischa. We should follow it said Mischa.
Olivia Yelled Wait your going off the path.
Oliva ran after her wait wait she yelled.
No Mischa yelled these birds are rare.
Hay Mischa said.
All there was trees with no leaves on them.
Mischa's face grew reder reder.
Suddenly she yelled THIS IS ALL YOUR FOLT!
They fighted for an hour.
Mischa said we should set up the tent now in an angre voice.
Ok sighed Olivia.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
The Missing Snake
WALT make up a story about a Pet Day problem.
- Begin with an orientation to tell the reader who, did what, where and when.
“Pet Day will be on Friday,” Miss Anderson, Tom’s teacher, announced to the class on Monday. “Bring your pet to school and tell us about it, then we will have a pet parade.”
Tom was so excited. He would be able to bring Harry to school to
show everyone.
- Write the events leading up to the problem.
At the end of the day, he ran all the way home to get his pet ready for Friday.
He loved Harry and had wanted to show his friends for a long time, but his mum and dad had told him that Harry must never leave the house; but, now, his
teacher had given him permission to bring it to school.
Smilingly, he polished Harry’s green silky skin, talking to it with his friendly voice. “You’re allowed to come to school, Harry. You can meet my friends and my friends can meet you.”
As soon as Friday came around, Harry carefully took Harry out of its cage and placed him into his black backpack. He couldn’t wait to get to school, so he ran
all the way.
When the bell rang, he and the rest of the class stepped into the
- Write the problem.
Tom opened his backpack to show his friends what he had brought to school for Pet Day.
“It’s a green, slippery, slimey …...................” he said slowly. “Snake!” he
“Tom Denver, give me that thing right now!” Miss Anderson
Tom opened his hand to pass it over, but, at that moment, naughty Billy Burton lunged to grab it himself. He bumped Tom’s shoulder and Tom hurtled forward, the snake flying out of his hand to the back of the classroom.
“Eeeeeee! Where is it?” squealed Miss Anderson.
Chaos threatened in Room 4. Children jumped up and ran around, screeching
their lungs out and pushing over chairs and desks, trying to find Tom’s snake.
- Write the events to tell your readers how the problem was solved.
Tom had an idea . He yelled, "Gather up things that will make a trap, like - the teacher's lunch, paper, wire, cords, glue and scissors."
He glued bits of paper together, put wire around it and the teacher's lunch in the middle of it.
The snake wriggled and wriggled until he reached it.
Tom grabbed him and put him in his black school bag.
"Never bring that snake to school again," said Miss Anderson.
Well done, Olivia.
He glued bits of paper together, put wire around it and the teacher's lunch in the middle of it.
The snake wriggled and wriggled until he reached it.
Tom grabbed him and put him in his black school bag.
"Never bring that snake to school again," said Miss Anderson.
Well done, Olivia.
From Jamling Tenzing
To all the children of St. Paul's primary school, greetings from the Himalayas.
I know you have been following John and our journey to the to roof of the world. I hope you learned something about our mountains and culture.
I invite you all to join me one day to visit our part of the world.
Hi Jamling im Olivia.
I loved hearing about your walk with John. I liked the bit when you made it to the top. You seem to be a very nice and gentle man. I Liked asking John questions all thanks to you I am very glad that you did not die. Other wise I would not have a story to send you You are a very strong and brave man
I would love to try to climb up i don't think i would make it to the top I was wondering who that man was with the long hair? From Olivia
Jamling Tenzing Hi Olivia. It was very nice to read your post. Thank you, it is our pleasure to share a part of our history and culture. I hope you will be able to come to Base Camp one day.
I know you have been following John and our journey to the to roof of the world. I hope you learned something about our mountains and culture.
I invite you all to join me one day to visit our part of the world.
Hi Jamling im Olivia.
I loved hearing about your walk with John. I liked the bit when you made it to the top. You seem to be a very nice and gentle man. I Liked asking John questions all thanks to you I am very glad that you did not die. Other wise I would not have a story to send you You are a very strong and brave man
I would love to try to climb up i don't think i would make it to the top I was wondering who that man was with the long hair? From Olivia
Jamling Tenzing Hi Olivia. It was very nice to read your post. Thank you, it is our pleasure to share a part of our history and culture. I hope you will be able to come to Base Camp one day.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Boom! The magician welcomed us into our dark school hall. He said, "Are you ready to see some magic?" We all yelled in an exciting way, "Yes." He started by opening his wallet, and it burst into flames. I was hoping there was no money in it, but there was. Just then, he closed it. Boom! The fire was gone. I was questioning in my head, how could that happen.
Just when I thought it would be a boring show, he gave a five dollar note to a kid. Slam! the five dollar note had been folded into tiny squares.
I gave a sigh, really? but he had unfolded it and turned it into a ten dollar note. "Yay," I said in my mind.
He was funny because he said he did not know how to do a card trick. Sneakily, he was doing it while telling us. I was amazed how funny he was. My body burst with laughter, ha ha.
He swallowed a balloon and told us not to do it at home. I listened to him carefully. I want to but I won't.
He did an amazing rope trick. He was so funny. He turned a paper bottle of coke to real. Amazing right! I've never seen such a good magic show. I want to be magician myself after that.
Next, there was another magician called El Gregoe. He was one we have seen before. El Gregoe teaches us to be kind.
He called up a boy called Keaton and did a weird cooking class with him. He said that Keaton did not like to brush his teeth so he put toothpaste into a cooking pan. He also said he did not like to do the dishes so he put dishwashing liquid into the pan. He also added self-raising flour and everybody laughed when the concoction turned into a real bird. It wasn't my favourite trick, but it was clever.
He talked a bit about being kind to others. He did a pizza trick but the pizza was rolling from side to side. We all were shouting, "It's on the other side." He opened both sides and the pizza was gone.
He gave out a pretty blue drink bottle. I did not win though.
Finally, what I had been waiting for - the floating man. We sat quietly like he would float. I was surprised he did.
He also turned fire into a bird - a big one too. I had never seen such a beautiful bird. He said, Sue, his helper, had cut up some banana for the bird. I did not mind at all. I had seen it once. I do love birds. We were clapping all the way through. I couldn't believe my eyes. They are great magic people.
Just when I thought it would be a boring show, he gave a five dollar note to a kid. Slam! the five dollar note had been folded into tiny squares.
I gave a sigh, really? but he had unfolded it and turned it into a ten dollar note. "Yay," I said in my mind.
He was funny because he said he did not know how to do a card trick. Sneakily, he was doing it while telling us. I was amazed how funny he was. My body burst with laughter, ha ha.
He did an amazing rope trick. He was so funny. He turned a paper bottle of coke to real. Amazing right! I've never seen such a good magic show. I want to be magician myself after that.
Next, there was another magician called El Gregoe. He was one we have seen before. El Gregoe teaches us to be kind.
He talked a bit about being kind to others. He did a pizza trick but the pizza was rolling from side to side. We all were shouting, "It's on the other side." He opened both sides and the pizza was gone.
He gave out a pretty blue drink bottle. I did not win though.
He also turned fire into a bird - a big one too. I had never seen such a beautiful bird. He said, Sue, his helper, had cut up some banana for the bird. I did not mind at all. I had seen it once. I do love birds. We were clapping all the way through. I couldn't believe my eyes. They are great magic people.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
The Church is people spreading the Good News about Jesus.
The disciples were hiding because they were scared they would die.
The Holy Spirit appeared with fire and wind, so they crept out and that was when the Church began. They began teaching about Jesus. It was the first Pentecost.
The disciples were hiding because they were scared they would die.
The Holy Spirit appeared with fire and wind, so they crept out and that was when the Church began. They began teaching about Jesus. It was the first Pentecost.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Spider Monkeys
Spider Monkeys at Hamilton Zoo from Pam Thomson on Vimeo.
"Oh, oh, ah, ah." "Look! There are the the monkeys!"
We were at the zoo because we had filled up the marble jar.
We rumbled to the monkey cage. We saw the baby monkey. The mother was happily rocking her baby. All the monkeys came scrambling out. It was so loud. Just then, when I wasn't looking, out crept the baby monkey. I turned around in such fright. Boo! The monkey started to stare at me. I thought it was cute. It was very cheeky. Scampering all over the place, it swung from branch to platform and back to the branch. The monkeys were show-offs.
Our group rushed to the other side of their cage. We saw ropes and hammocks for sleeping and playing. One of them prowled closer and closer. Its long spiral tail reached the ground. The baby wrapped its arms carefully around its mother's back. Somehow, it fell asleep. It looked very comfortable and cosy. We carefully crept out of the enclosure.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
St Patrick
WALT retell a story.
WWBSWW tell the story in our own words.
Who St Patrick was and what he liked doing and what he didn't like doing
- where he was born - what his family was like
He liked walking on the beach. He liked whittling his slingshot.
He hated school.
One day,
- didn't go to school few
- went to the beach
- pirates came
- stole him and the other girls and boys
- sold him in Ireland to Milchu
- was a shepherd - looked after sheep and pigs (swine)
- started talked to God - trusted God and was happy
- One night, heard God talking to him - told him to go the a ship
- when he was on board, - big storm - ship grounded in France
- crew starving
- Patrick asked God for help
- God sent him pigs and an apple tree- ate pork dinner and apple sauce
WWBSWW tell the story in our own words.
Who St Patrick was and what he liked doing and what he didn't like doing
- where he was born - what his family was like
He liked walking on the beach. He liked whittling his slingshot.
He hated school.
One day,
- didn't go to school few
- went to the beach
- pirates came
- stole him and the other girls and boys
- sold him in Ireland to Milchu
- was a shepherd - looked after sheep and pigs (swine)
- started talked to God - trusted God and was happy
- One night, heard God talking to him - told him to go the a ship
- when he was on board, - big storm - ship grounded in France
- crew starving
- Patrick asked God for help
- God sent him pigs and an apple tree- ate pork dinner and apple sauce
Patrick didn't like school. Whenever his mum asked him if he
was doing his homework he would lay down on his bed and say yes mum. He was
born in Britten. One day Patrick was on his way to school when
he met up in between the path to sea shore and the one to school. He decided
hmm well I don't want to go to school. So he skipped school and took the path
to the see shore. When he got there he swung on the tree branches and skipped
around. Until he froze in silent it was pirate ship. They invaded the village
kids including Patrick. The Pirate dumped them into the ship as they were
screaming loudly. The pirates sailed away to Island. Patrick new there
scary old people there he had been wishing he went school. The pirates made the
kids work for days until they got sold. Patrick lived in the kitchen of
the persons house he got sold to. He lit a fire so the wolfs wouldn't
come. One night Patrick woke up and heard a voice saying your ship is here its
time to escape. He listened then scrammed rushing out the door he asked a
nice lady for food and water. After running two hundred miles he saw
a ship about leave. One of the crue mates handed him a
rope he climbed aboard. The child and the crew had been sailing for
three day once they hit middle ocean there was a storm. And their ship got
grounded when they got out there and was in France. There was no food or
water they starved for days wanting food and water. One day the pirates said I
thought god cared for us just then Patrick kneeled down and prayed. Just then a
heard of wild pigs came and juicy apples and now they were feed and one day
Patrick would go to his family again.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
St Anthony won them all and we all scrambled home.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
The Rocket
Fall! Fall! Fall! Everyone was yelling at me to fall but it was just for fun. So I ignored them.
It was a long red rocket looking like a noodle.
Ashley and Paul blew the rocket up. When it was half way through being blown up, Ashley dumped it in the pool.
First, Ashley taught us a drill before we scrambled onto the rocket. She gave us an example of what to do.
The first time I went on, I was like a flying saucer. I ran and slipped and went flying through the air and slapped the water.
On my second go, I gripped the rocket and reached out to halfway. On my last time, I slowly grabbed the end of the rocket thinking I would fall. It just about my next turn when I heard a voice saying come to the edge of the pool, but it was a good thing - time for prizes. I didn't win but I still got a lollipop on my way out of the changing room.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
World of Maths
Friday, 19 February 2016
Friday, 12 February 2016
Swimming 2016
We each grabbed a board one by one. We kicked our way to the other side. It was very noisy so Ashley told us if we were good, we would get to do fun things at the end. We dived and got diving sticks. As we got out, we got a high five.
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